Home Services Tree Management: Take the Right Steps to Ensure Your Trees Are Healthy

Tree Management: Take the Right Steps to Ensure Your Trees Are Healthy

Did you know that homes with trees are generally preferred to comparable homes without trees? Research has found that having healthy, mature trees in the backyard can increase a property’s value by about 7%. In addition to helping to add cirb appeal to the property, having trees in your backyard can help improve your local ecosystem and your community’s air quality and also help regulate global pollution levels. So, if your property is surrounded by trees, you should consider yourself lucky and take good care of them.

While you may know the basics of tree care, such as watering and pruning, there is a lot more to learn about tree health and maintenance. Here are the steps you’ll need to take in order to keep your trees robust and healthy. 

Recognise Signs of Disease

damaged tree leaves
source: arbordayblog.org

One of the reasons why is it important to take care of your tree is that you can recognise signs of disease before the condition becomes serious and the tree needs to be removed. An unhealthy tree that has been affected by a disease may present twisted or torn foliage, discoloured or covered in spots leaves, and may have a white, cotton-like substance adhering to the trunk or branches.

If you suspect one of your trees is unhealthy or diseased, consult a tree health management professional. These professionals are trained in tree care and are dedicated to the long term health of your trees. They have the knowledge and experience to assess your trees’ health and provide a range of services to improve their vitality. Evaluating site conditions that affect tree health is also part of their service.

A tree health assessment can include visual inspections as well as more detailed analysis using diagnostic tools such as 3D imaging and resistographs of a section of a trunk. They will then advise you on the most responsible way to control disease and pests.  

Feed Your Trees

feeding tree
source: biofeed.com

In order to stay in peak health and free from diseases, your trees need nutrition. According to tree health management experts, trees need to be fertilised in the fall before the cold weather sets in. They say trees that seem to be growing slowly or with leaves lacking a rich, vibrant colour, may be in need of fertilizer.

A good fertilizer will contain nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. However, you should also consider which nutrients your tree species require. You’ll also want a solution that releases the nutrients slowly. Make sure to follow the package directions carefully or consult your tree specialist.

Mulch Around the Tree Base

landscaping around the tree
source: bhg.com

Tree mulch, whether in the form of pine needles, wood chips, straw or shredded pieces, will keep your trees healthy. All you need to do is lay down a few centimetres of mulch around the base of each tree. The mulch will help retain important moisture that our trees need for optimal health. Mulch is also a good natural insulator against the elements. Plus, munching will help guard your trees against lawn mower and weedwhacker damage.

Note that you can also use mulch to keep the soil of your garden healthy and protected. Just be careful because over-mulching can lead to the suffocation of the plants. In this case, you may want to hire a mulching service to get the job done properly for you. 

Protect the Roots

source: thespruce.com

You shouldn’t allow vehicles or heavy equipment to drive over the root areas of the trees. This will cause the soil to compact, reducing available oxygen and killing the roots. You also should not remove or add soil beneath tree canopies without consulting a certified arborist. Changing the soil grade can also harm roots and weaken trees, often killing them or making them more susceptible to storm damage.

Keep in mind that bumping into the trees with lawnmowers can damage the bark and trunk, weakening the tree structurally while also inviting insects and disease. Young trees are particularly susceptible, so you should consider protecting any young tree in your backyard whit plastic wraps, which you can easily find at nurseries and garden centres. 

Prune Your Trees

tree pruning
source: bartlett.com

You may know about the importance of pruning your trees to ensure their longevity, but how often do you prune them? Maintaining a regular schedule also allows the trees on your property to grow structurally stronger while simultaneously minimizing any risk of weak branches failing unexpectedly.

Moreover, excess leaves or other foliage can put too much weight on an otherwise healthy branch, causing it to drop dangerously or break off completely without warning. If you don’t have much time to take care of your trees, routine visits from a tree care expert will ensure your tree are kept to their optimal health condition, and your landscape is always aesthetically pleasing. 

Summing Up 

Monitoring and correcting any problems before they escalate is the best way to keep your trees healthy. Keep the soil moisturised with a good layer of mulch around the base, your trees feed with a quality fertilizer, watch for pests or signs of disease and provide regular printing to remove dead or diseased branches.